I feel old and stupid. that's even more ironic since I look young and smart)) or so I hope anyway...
There was a time... a time when I had more free time and spend a lot of it online. I used to write to a couple of people and they used to write back. It could have been fandom related or could be not. Just chatting back and forth about life etc. This was a time before the smartphones and instant messages apps took over the world. It was a time when people remembered how to write простыни)) And by god, we wrote a lot of them.

Somehow in between the lines on screen and the jokes and pics we shared, feelings have developed. Uncertain at first, they took us by storm soon enough. Me, being me, took it all the way. Money, time zones, continents, oceans in between... nothing mattered. I overcame it all, crossed all the borders and barriers. Alas, I lingered in uncertainty for a day, a months, a second too long. I was late. The light that beckoned me from across the sea had gone out few months before I finally reached it. I arrived to find cold ash where once burned a strong fire. And still, I wouldn't give up, I kept hope and determination through some of the worst emotional pain I had in my lifetime. I offered everything I could possibly offer. 'Kotowaru' - I decline, was the answer. I went home to lick my wounds, but I have never learned the lesson.

wow, that's so not what I intended to say in this post Anyway, with this background, I find myself now lost and confused. I try to make a meaningful connection, have a witty conversation with a slight sexual undertone if I can, and what am I faced with? Blatant cyber sex.. Not that I have anything against it, but, but, but.... I fucking don't know nothing about you! Havеn't even seen a picture yet! And I am supposed to get aroused by 'I am putting my hand between your legs. U can't make a sound...'??? Блядь, я не асексуал, честно, честно! Но у меня так не встаёт!

И вот сижу я в тоске и чувствую себя дурой и уёбищем коему приют в доме для ума лишенных романтиков сочиняющих дамам сердца хайку.

Не хочу этих грёбаных one-liners from her iphone, кажется уже и знакомиться ни с кем не хочу, если оно везде так. Ну ладно не везде, но там где прикольно и со вкусом слишком много совести, а там где совести мало - вкуса и fun по моим меркам тоже маловасто.

yep, so not over it yet. i just keep reaching new heights of pathetic, aren't I?